The Core of Biohacking..

Cameron May
4 min readAug 27, 2019

The industry and world is changing..

Just a quick foreword when I do these mediums, I’m always going to start them out about my daily life things before I actually write about what I’m thinking about. It’s the part of documenting to create.

It’s currently 1125pm Monday August 26th. I just got home from out working all day doing Uber and Roadie. I stopped to get me a steak and egg breakfast burrito because why not? I was hungry anyways. Well only one Roadie gig, if you guys don’t know what that is, it’s basically a delivery service for pretty much anything you could think of. Small to large items if you need something quickly sent local or even across the country they got you. Anyhow, it was a painfully slow day yet still managed to hit my daily goal which I am grateful for nonetheless. Finished the day with a 45 minute Uber ride back towards home before I went about 50 miles south of our airport to deliver a luggage bag. That hustle is real. The nice drives are nice since I can listen to podcasts on my way to the destination. Anyhow, now that I am back home, felt like I wanted to write another medium. If you guys haven’t listened to NF’s new album “The Search” I’d highly recommend it. Deep deep stuff 1000%. It’s always nice to listen to it again. Reminds me a lot of what I kinda use to go through in the past and it’s nice knowing how far I’ve come and improved throughout the last few years.. Other than that nothing else really happened today out of the ordinary. Let’s get into today’s medium shall we?…

So what is biohacking? It’s hacking your health. It’s very fascinating and intriguing to be honest. It’s definitely something that everyone needs to be doing, because our health relies on it to live life on a level of optimal performance. Over the next few mediums I’ll go more in depth, yet essentially it’s the “desire to understand your body and mind that you have in which using cutting edge tech and science to become your best version of yourself physically and mentally.”

Yet, I wanted to talk about how this actually ties into the way’s the industry and world has been changing. As we know technology changes and improves every 60 to 100 days which is just mind blowing to think about. I want to use Netflix, Uber, and Airbnb as an example to let you really see the changes even if you haven’t realized it.

So let’s start with Netflix, everyone knows about them. Do you know the history behind them though and how they got started? Let’s go all the way back to 1997. That’s when they were founded as a company, started by two individuals. If you were alive at that time you might remember Blockbuster and Hollywood Video being the two biggest chains for video rentals. That’s how Netflix started out as well. Did you know that Blockbuster had a chance to buy Netflix for 50 million? Blockbuster rejected the idea, didn’t think it had potential to grow on. Netflix realized that it was going up against two giants in competition at the time. Fast forward to 2007 and this is when Netflix decided to shift their business model to doing OOT. If you don’t know that term, it’s “on other time”. It moved to get rid of it’s DVD service and move to a subscription service. HUGE. This is something that Blockbuster and Hollywood video struggled with ADAPTING TO CHANGE. Fast forward to today.. No more blockbuster or hollywood video. Netflix today holds currently about 70% of households in streaming service applications as a first choice. It’s worth billions of dollars.

Now we all know what Uber is. It’s the most popular ride sharing service built directly off of an app. It started in 2009 and it was actually only meant to be a limo service if you didn’t know. It wasn’t until actually 2012 and 2013 that it had opened and created it’s UberX program that allowed regular individuals like you and I to go out and drive people around like a taxi service. Very quick and efficient in reducing the time it took having to wait for a regular cab. Uber is currently evaluated at over 60B$.

So what about Airbnb? It started out in 2007 as a website called Air bed and breakfast(.)com. Quite fascinating. It was an idea to help people book rooms in an oversaturated market when it came to hotels for networking events. In 2008 it launched a website after a year of investors help give it a push. In 2009 it shortened the name that we all know now as Airbnb. Yet after a few years of growth, in 2014 it revamped its look and built an app so it would make it easier to book a room at the tips of your fingers. Airbnb is currently evaluated to be worth over 20B$.

So what do all these massive known names have in common you might ask? They all revolutionized their respected industries and flipped them on their head by using technology and the internet. Here’s the kicker though, if you could go back and write a check for 1k, do you know how much that would be worth? At least MILLIONS. That’s the thing about timing and watching the industry change.

Let me tell you something.. When you learn to reduce friction and create less pain for the end user it will create you wealth! PERIOD.

Biohacking is about to flip two industries on their head and I’m excited to share that with you.. Yet, it’ll have to wait until the next medium!

Hey guys, thanks for reading. I appreciate all of the support within the short time I’ve already done these. It’s almost 2am right now and heading off to bed for the night. If this provided any value to you, please share and let’s get the word out! I’ve got lot’s more to come and super excited to share with you!

