CBD vs Nrf2 Science

Cameron May
4 min readOct 13, 2019

Which is better?…

Hey Medium fam, coming back at you with another blog! It’s currently Saturday October 12th and it’s about 10pm to say the least. I know I haven’t done a medium for almost a month really and to be quite honest I took a day or two off from social media this past week to just kind of regain focus since I just felt a bit burnt out and needed to put some balance back into my life of figuring out what direction I want to take with social media and everything. Kinda putting my digital marketing agency on the back burner to focus on other things right now at the time. Heck, I haven’t even done a podcast in a long time either which it’s been almost a month for that as well! Yet, of course always putting on good music to also help me think as well. Credit goes to MixHound on YT for this session, 2 hrs of Chillstep music. Been super busy tho none the less with work, since I went back doing Lyft as well on top of doing Uber to increase my daily earnings. With the end of the year coming so close and fast it’s been a tad bit overwhelming the past few weeks. Still getting everything bounced back from having to get my unexpected expenses paid, yet managed. These past two weeks tho have been slow for work is what worries me, but I know that God will always bless and provide where it’s needed and eternally grateful for that. So you all probably wanted to see why I wanted to write about this subject and to me why it’s so important, let’s get into it!

I want to first start out with CBD, so let’s go back to the beginning of it, because if you don’t really understand the roots, you’ll fail to see the reason for where it’s going. Roughly discovered more back around the time during WW1 and WW2, CBD’s name is Cannabidiol a phytocannabinoid. It’s 2nd to the cannabis plant which is marijuana, yet CBD is derived from the hemp plant that is the cousin to cannabis. To note tho, even as it is a component of the cannabis plant, just by itself isn’t enough to get that “high” that cannabis causes. So although it may appear natural in it’s form, it’s not actually 100% natural. There are some health benefits to using CBD however as it usually is used to help with things such as anxiety and also insomnia which can cause or transition into inflammatory and neuropathic pain.

Due to many regulations and restrictions it currently faces from the political side of things, not a whole lot can be currently done with it. One of the concerning things is the side effects it can cause. Some of those things can be fatigue, nausea, and irritability. One of the things CBD does well at, is inducing healing by upregulating particular pathways such as HO-1 and NQO1.

Science proves though that NRF2 activation works on those same pathways at a higher rate up to 2x the amount than CBD can. The reason of that is due to the fact nrf2 lowers oxidative stress which is led to be the main underlying cause of 200+ known diseases attacking the source at the root of the problem instead of putting a bandaid(CBD) on a cut that needs stitches. NRF2 is also 100% natural as it’s just five plants, costs cheaper, and is also easier to take than using CBD. If you guys want to check out the results of both, both the links are below!

CBD: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3423229/table/tbl2/

NRF2: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098299711000501#s0080

Conclusion: One of the biggest things that I’ve noticed in my experience is that CBD is marketed and sold as a supplement and not a medication, supplements are mainly taken by ingesting them like a vitamin, yet CBD mainly comes in forms other than pills. Because the FDA doesn’t currently regulate and check the safety of “supplements”, you cannot really know what resides in any CBD products that you consume. Always be keen of that my friends. I’ve used CBD products before and I prefer NRF2, because for myself I’ve had better results and more results than CBD had to offer me. I always encourage you to do your own research and see the results for yourself!

Hey everyone, thanks for reading my medium, don’t know when my next one will be, yet I’ve got alot of topics that I do want to write about! Reach out to me via social media and let me know your thoughts! If you are interested in the Nrf2, contact me directly and I can help you out! If you found value in this, please share it, it would mean the world to me!

